Sign Up Now! Smartphone Photography Workshop - Paul J Ciener Botanical Garden
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Wednesday, May 30, 2018
By Elizabeth Larson Photography
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 It's not too late to sign up for next week's Smartphone Photography workshop, which I'm teaching at The Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden in Kernersville, NC. We will meet Monday morning, June 4th & Wednesday morning, June 6th and both days from 9am to 12pm noon. This class is for anyone who happens to have a smartphone with a camera and for all levels. 

You too can take photos such as these below, which I'm sharing here on the blog! I actually took all of these with my iPhone 6 (with the exception of the actual photo of my iPhone 6 - that was with my Canon EOS - 5D Mark III). Its unbelievable what you can do with a camera phone these days. This class will be great for anyone wanting to learn how to take better photos with your smartphone camera, learning various techniques, how to enhance your photos by trying out some photography apps, and setting up an Instagram page if desired. 

This class is $60.00 for the two days and you may sign up via Paul J Ciener Botanical Garden's events page on their website or you may sign up here - (secure, plus we will not share your info) - SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS. You should receive a confirmation/receipt once you fill out the form and hit submit.

If you can't take this class, but know somebody who might want to, please share!  Contact me if you'd like more information OR if you'd like to learn more about taking a future class with me. I also offer one-on-one instruction from beginning digital SLR photography to more advanced classes! 

all images © Elizabeth Larson Photography


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