Student Work - John C Campbell Folk School - Travel Photography
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Wednesday, January 20, 2021
By Elizabeth Larson Photography
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Today, I'm sharing some wonderful news!  Last week, I learned that the John C Campbell Folk School will be reopening on May 1st of this year. And of course that means I will be able to teach my travel photography workshop there this summer from July 25-30th. Registration for ALL classes at the folk school started last Tuesday, January 12th.  You may preview their e-catalogue HERE and registration can be made by reaching out to them HERE

The class I'll be teaching is "Wanderlust: The Art of Travel Photography" and a description can be found HERE.  This class is for the intermediate photographer, however any level would be fine as long as you know some basic features & settings on your camera.  To get everyone excited about taking my class, I'm sharing student work from November 2019, when I last taught the same weeklong travel photography workshop there. We had a great week and it was especially fun to see what work everyone turned out and share with the entire school at the closing ceremony in a slideshow. Hope you enjoy their photographs too!

And now that we are on the subject of travel photography, the best thing about it is that it doesn't have to be to a faraway land, although that sure would be nice! In other words travel photography can be in your own community, city, or surrounding areas where you live.  The folk school offers so many places for travel photography throughout their campus. Much of the student work shown below was on campus. There are several hiking trails, a large vegetable garden, flower gardens, architecture, nature, and more.  At this time, due to safety restrictions, we may or may not be able to visit any of the studios while on campus. What I do know is that we will not run out of things to photograph! 

 Because of the pandemic, class sizes will be smaller than usual. More info can be found on safety protocols & guidelines HERE and HERE. My photography workshops at the folk school and elsewhere have been primarily outdoors, only going into the studio to discuss assignments, review work, and so forth. Hopeful we can work out a way to go on a field trip, as I typically like to take my classes on a hike and photo outing to Vogel State Park, however that has always required that we ride together in the folk school's vehicle. We may be able to all drive separately in our own vehicles. I'll also be researching other locations nearby. 

 If you are thinking about taking my class at the folk school, don't wait too long to register. With smaller class sizes, they are sure to fill up quickly. Hope to see you in July!

Lastly, I will also be teaching local workshops in the NC Triad this summer, so stay tuned for that too. More info on all of my workshops can be found HERE

images are © copyrighted - please do not copy without permission.

class photo © Elizabeth Larson Photography

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